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1 Union St
Pyrmont, NSW, 2009

02 9518 4984

Star Medics. A skin care made by doctors. A skin care the delivers on promises of heathy and rejuvenated skin.


The doctors at Star Cosmetic Medicine work with skin every day. We believe that a skin care range that reduces signs of ageing must be formulated using the highest QUALITY ingredients and based on the best EVIDENCE. Your perfect skincare products should be formulated using the most scientifically valid key ingredients at the right concentration in the correct formulation and pH and stored in the appropriate medium. PLUS you deserve the reassurance that you are not putting any potentially harmful or irritating ingredients on your face. AND that they have to look, feel and smell great and be a pleasure to use every day.

It took some time, but we are glad we kept looking. STAR MEDICS ticks all those boxes and more. We love the STAR MEDICS range and sure you will too.