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1 Union St
Pyrmont, NSW, 2009

02 9518 4984

Star Medics. A skin care made by doctors. A skin care the delivers on promises of heathy and rejuvenated skin.


Return Policy


Doing our best to make sure you are happy with the items you purchase from us is one of our priorities, so if you are not satisfied with the items you asked for, please let us know. We will do all that we can to take care of the problem and satisfy you, but keep in mind a refund cannot be issued just because you have a change of heart and you no longer want the merchandise you ordered. For this reason it is very important that when you place your order you are sure the items are exactly what you want.


If the claim you want to make is the result of damage that occurred during transport, or if you are making a claim because the merchandise you received is not what you ordered, make sure you contact us within 24 hours of receiving your order. Do so by calling us or sending us an email. Once the returned merchandise arrives at our place of business and confirmation of the arrival is made, we will either send out a replacement order or issue you a credit.


Note that in order for the merchandise to be shipped again, or for a credit to be issued, the items you received must look like they did when they left our office, and they must be unopened. Know that all customers are responsible for checking the merchandise they receive before they open it.